Rapahope receives surprise gift to support work with Mobile children with cancer

Bringing joy to Mobile, Alabama children

Image of employees at Camp Smile in Mobile

Spire volunteers in Mobile, Alabama, at Camp Rapahope, including Tammy Garrett (right)

For more than three decades, Rapahope has been bringing joy and support to children diagnosed with cancer, or in recovery, and their families in the Mobile, Alabama area. Their mission is simple: “Rapahope brings joy to the childhood cancer journey through recreational and support programs for those with childhood cancer and their families.”* And at no cost. 

Rapahope offers programs throughout the year for children, siblings and families completely free. Their week-long camp ─ Camp Rapahope ─ allows children who have been diagnosed with cancer, ages 7-17, a week filled with laughter, activities and fun. And families have peace of mind knowing that specially-trained medical staff is present 24 hours a day. 

A helping hand from Spire

Spire has been a long-time financial supporter of the Camp Rapahope Foundation in Mobile, Alabama, providing a grant that goes toward the organization’s summer camp. 

The nonprofit organization has deep roots and ties to Spire, going back to when the regional utility was Mobile Gas. Tammy Garrett, a pipeline analyst at Spire, has been volunteering with the organization for more than two decades. 

Spire’s support of Camp Rapahope received some extra attention last year. 

When “NASCAR” popped up on the caller ID of Tammy’s phone back in June, she could feel the excitement building. They were calling to give her the good news that she had been selected as a finalist for the NASCAR Foundation’s Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award. 

The award recognizes NASCAR fans who volunteer for children’s causes in their racing communities. Because of her dedication and countless hours of volunteerism, Tammy was an easy choice when NASCAR reached out to the organization about possible award candidates.

“Rapahope has been my second family for over 20 years, and I would do anything within my power to help bring attention to this amazing organization,” Tammy said. “This is just an unexpected blessing.”

The NASCAR Foundation donated a total of $175,000 to the finalists’ children’s charities, with $25,000 going to Camp Rapahope thanks to Tammy’s involvement.

Spire recently received this handwritten note from Melissa McNichol, Rapahope executive director:

“Our sincerest thanks to Spire and to Tammy Garrett for the support of Rapahope. From monies donated to the countless hours Tammy gives, families with childhood cancer are impacted in the best of ways! We appreciate every effort that helps bring joy to those battling childhood cancer!”

Learn more about Rapahope >
* Rapahope.org