See how Spire's energy helps eastern Missouri communities, from St. Louis City to Jefferson County and beyond
Explore how Spire employees in eastern Missouri support health and human services, local parks and conservation, and more through
our corporate volunteerism programs.
Our Spire Serves program focuses on health and human services, civic and community development, as well as education and the environment, providing non-profit funding and volunteer opportunities for employees.
Congratulations to Forest ReLeaf and Pedal the Cause, Spire's 2023 InSpire Award winners!
Through partnerships with organizations like Urban League and Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Spire provides funding for energy assistance services when people need it most.

Spire's dedicated team of community support specialists works with agencies throughout western Missouri to ensure customers with limited incomes have access to energy assistance.

Last year, we provided funding for community action agencies to provide weatherization services that make homes more energy-efficient.

Spire provides rebates, financing and a NEW Pay As You Save® (PAYS®) program to help customers save energy and money without breaking the bank.